Principal and Director
Dean Griggs has built a career working with people and communities for more than 25 years. As a high-profile local government leader at the CEO and executive level he has led teams and organisations in capital city, inner urban and regional settings. His earlier roles in mental health promotion and community outreach have informed his approach to problem solving around homelessness and rough sleeping, community resilience and youth engagement, among others.
Dean has created and led multiple consortia-based initiatives involving complex stakeholder dynamics with significant political complexity often requiring urgent action and a crisis management approach. He is a specialist in multi sectorial engagement involving government, higher education, emergency services, community and industry.
Dean has developed and delivered innovative and effective strategies across a diverse range of disciplines over the past two decades. These have included emergency management, economic development brand and marketing, children’s services, homelessness, family violence, city safety and multiple strategic advocacy campaigns.
In his nine years as Municipal Recovery Manager Dean led the City of Melbourne’s response to the Docklands high rise apartment fire where over 400 residents were displaced for many months. Dean has experience with regard to complex and highly impactful events in the capital city setting leading the Council’s recovery efforts for Melbourne’s Bourke Street tragedy in 2017, and the recovery and public memorial project, following the death of the owner and founder of Melbourne’s iconic Pellegrini’s Restaurant. In Tasmania Dean provided advisory support to the Hillcrest Tragedy Recovery efforts.
Well regarded for his ability to communicate with influence and deliver a range of outcomes, Dean has provided trusted and credible advice to lord mayors, councillors, parliamentarians, senior government officials and business leaders, providing them the confidence to make sound political decisions.
Dean is a strong communicator always willing to share his experience and knowledge. He has delivered numerous keynote addresses, particularly on emergency management recovery and has facilitated multiple public forums.
His Board experience includes Destination Southern Tasmania, the Royal Children’s Hospital Board Quality and Population Health Committee and as Southern Tasmanian President of the Local Government Professionals Association. He holds a Masters of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences, a Graduate Diploma in Health Promotion and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.